Saturday, September 13, 2008

The increasing terrorist strikes on India makes every Indian sad or angry. But the question is how do we 'deal' with it ? First of all do we need to deal with it or do we need to rise above it.

There is always a choice to make when one is faced with adversity.

Of course we have to either fight it or accept it. We are definitely not spineless people to accept it.

Leaders are called leaders because they know more than the masses. They have seen more . They have always known more and their vision extends beyond the ordinary. That's why they are leaders. Else, they are ordinary people with extraordinary power in their hands. Now, masses in a democracy get excited when they see aam aadmi like themselves in a powerful position. Precisely the reason why we have characters like Mayawati and Naredra Modi as leaders. Are they true leaders ? These are not the kind of people we'd love to showcase to our next generation as examples of forward looking minds. We can atmost tell them that these people reflected the common mind of the nation. But they are not 'leaders'. True leaders forsee the future or have a vision of it and bring it closer. Their methods and means are different and hence their ways are different. Usually a real leader is never recognised by the masses. When it rains , an Eagle is the only specie in the world which soars above the clouds to avoid getting drenched. Many other species may find its method unconventional or even unthinkable but then its a leader and is the King of birds.

So what is the solution if not Modi and his POTA option ? The option is simple. Think Big. Think fundamental. A simple study shows that terrorism due to internal conflicts and dissatisfaction ( like the Naxalite movement and Khalistan movement ) can be curbed relatively easily and was done so in the past. However , when it comes to curbing cross boarder terrorism we have miserably failed.

Now if the above is true , why don't we redraw our borders ??

India has an incredible history and its not religion or language which binds us.Mere history apart, we have a compilation of Epics written over a period of 30 centuries more than 5000 years back which have defined and etched the borders of India in timelessness. These epics have in them the common reference of the Ganges and the Indus ( now Pakistan ), of the Brahmaputra and the Cauveri . In this incredible canvas, the characters of these epics crossed over the Vindhyas from the North or reached over the Himalayas from the south. This is the common heritage of the sub continent and nobody from any walk of life or religion can dare deny it . The borders of India were formed then and not when The queen of England hurriedly decided over the borderlines in 1947. These borders of separation should not be taken as settled facts . The history of the Indus valley and that of Ceylon extends and intertwines with that of us and is a part of the history of India in a way which cannot be denied or forgotten. Unfortunately the people of the sub continent live under the hardened borders created by a colonial rule which has left our land but made its mark. Its time for us to think freely and understand that its thru common action that the region can develop. India can take a leadership role and use its diplomatic initiative* in creating an atmosphere which leads to more and increased collective action. We would be beyond the problem of terrorism just as a Golden Eagle with its wing span of six feet simply soars above the clouds when it doesn't want to get drenched in the damned rain !!

*Hopefully Indian diplomacy is waking up from its slumber .The nuclear deal is a good step forward. Its time to join back the international stream and gain strength in commerce. The Americans can be good allies in putting pressure on Pakistan . Stopping Amercian aid to Pakistan can lead to a quicker destabilization of this unnatural country and might lead to a voluntary return of the four provinces under willed Indian Control. Continued economic support in rebuilding Afghanistan would not only lead to the prosperity of Indians there and lead to an increased business opportunity for us, but might also open up goodwill and new avenues .This is good for everyone in the sub continent. Nepal has always been a neutral ally and a favourable policy will only win their hearts. Opening up the sethu samudram project might kick start Colombo's dependence on India for economic reasons and that will hopefully show them who the boss is in the region. There are no real differences here and its just a matter of finding our roots and being honest. Hopefully India would show its spirit of larger statesmanship and take her rightful position in the world. A union on these lines is a reality which only a true leadership can visualise or bring in . Now since we are a democracy and we can only have 'leaders' who can represent our common thought , its time for us to express this in whatever way we can so that the idea takes root and gets the force of realisation!