This treaty is all about civilian nuclear power. No one is forcing us to define which installation is civilian or which one is of strategic interest. In fact, America should say the deal is heavily advantageous to India and it should be the American congress or the NSG nations that have to say this is dangerous and India cannot be trusted on this. Instead our people, or at least our very own parliament is saying we cannot trust Americans. This beats sense. Its true the American record has been poor. In fact even Russian record was poor with regards to most of our defense deals. In the early 70's, America stopped giving us enriched fuel due to a change in the American Congress Policy. But they did follow up on an alternative arrangement and let France supply the same to us. If we look at deals and agreements thru the eyes of the Left, no one in this world can be trusted. We don't want to be in a situation where in we'll lose 90 things in our tense effort to hang on to the remaining 10.In any deal, what we lose should be weighed carefully and compared against what we stand to gain and then sign the dotted line.Instead, the Left simply wants to block the deal citing India's policy of sovereignty and independent foreign policy fuelled by its blind hatred towards capitalism and western powers. This deal helps the industrialised countries and the western Industry , helps India, and also in a way helps the world. The Left further says they do not understand the term 'corrective measures'. They say its merely in the preamble of the deal and therefore not sufficient. Well if the left is so worried about a continuous supply of fuel, aren't they worried about the current situation of no fuel at all ? The Tarapur plant is languishing with no fuel and every plant in India is either under utilised or is not working at peak capability and no one is bothered about that. Can India really afford the luxury of non functional Power plants in an energy hungry situation like ours? Its sad that the Left has a policy of saying 'No' to anything which is forthcoming from a capitalistic power like America. And the BJP has a habit of opposing everything the government proposes. If parties take and stick to positions based on such obsolete ideologies and prejudices, we cannot pass a single bill without horsetrading and tea parties which would in turn lead to a classic situation of missing the bus. All this leads to driving countless people into situations which are not warrented in the first place.
If we want to be truly sovereign, we have to carefully see if we are indeed so with our current policies. Not a single country is ready to give us enriched fission material and we are still far away from using Thorium as our staple fuel. Enriched Uranium holds the key and no one really knows if we are capable of producing this in substantial amount. If we cannot as the situation is now, lets take it from other countries and this deal is great still.The Left parties do not understand basic commerce and are always blind to economic realities. Why do they live in the 60's bubble. The days of communialism are long gone. The erstwhile USSR is a classic example of the Left's policy of being completely self sufficient and blocking international trade in the name of military might and policy. Where is USSR now ? What does the Left want to accomplish with their policies? Why are they trying to teach Independent Foreign Policy crap to National Congress ?Don't they know that this policy was the brainchild of Nehru.If we now want to deviate from it for our own foothold in international transactions,why not change with the times?
Its truly deplorable that the people of this country still vote on the basis of caste, region or religion. We cannot afford to be so blatantly foolish in our international policy. The aam aadmi has no clue on the potential India holds. We live in a world which shares resources . We call that trade.If we do not cooperate , we can never hope to become leaders. Self sufficiency is an end which can be achieved ironically thru cooperation and diligent deals. The Chinese have done this effectively and are now in a strong position to turn deals in their favor. India on the other hand wants to throw away every little advantage that comes its way thru sheer human imbecility and human selfishness. Hope such things cannot stay forever against the necessity of nature and a Higher Will.
In the meantime, lets not blame the govt if there is a power cut next time.