Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Trivia-Did you know

'Did you know' mania is back again :D. For example, did you know how the word "posh" came into vogue :). It was first used by British ticket collectors. During the 19 th century, passenger ships didn’t have the luxury of A/C accommodation, so while traveling from Great Britain to India and other eastern countries people who could afford more used to be given cool cabins on the left side of the ship (its called portside), since the sun rises and sets in the southern hemisphere during summers (esp at the mediterranean latitudes ). While coming back from India to UK, they were given cabins on the right side of the ship (called Starboard end in naval lingo) for the same reason, to beat the sun and travel in cool shade. So the Ticket collectors, used to mark the initials POSH (Portside Outbound, Starboard Homebound) on such tickets . That's how it all started .Since then the word "posh" became increasingly synonymous with luxurious accommodation , Privileged class etc etc :) ... :D .

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